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Gifted Kids Speak Out for Peace

by | Mar 27, 2022 | No Comments
International brothers and sisters in a circle


Hi friends. I wonder how each of you are doing in your various corners of the world. 

It's so interesting to see the different ways that gifted kids are responding to current world circumstances. Some of my young therapy clients are seeking as much information as they can get their hands on, while others are avoiding it at all costs. Parental concerns vary as well. Some worry that their children are too emotionally impacted while others question their children's perceived lack of empathy regarding global events.  We all simply have different ways of coping. Whatever the displayed response may be, one good antidote for vicarious suffering is contribution. 

Many of you know about my passion project, "The World Hope Project" which I started in Spring of 2020. This international video troupe is comprised of children ages 8-18 from 25 different countries. Many of the young participants have been simultaneously feeling powerless and compelled to do something. So, co-producer, Rosa Medina and myself, asked them to send us video messages they would like to share with children directly impacted by the conflict in Ukraine. The online discussion that ensued and subsequent video messages we received from the kids were humbling. The messages conveyed a meaningful connection to all those suffering from the ravages of war and an unrelenting trust in humanity.

On behalf of the kids of the World Hope Project, I share this latest video, "Messages of Peace" with  you. If you find it inspiring, we hope that you will share it with loved ones in your lives. A version of the video with Spanish subtitles ("Mensajes de Paz") is below as well.  

Wherever you may be, may peace find its way to you.

Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 8.43.18 PM 

Messages of Peace (English)

Mensajes de Paz (Spanish subtitles)

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