{VIDEO BELOW} Hi friends. I wonder how each of you are doing in your various corners of the world. It’s so interesting to see the different ways that gifted kids are responding to current world circumstances. Some of my young therapy clients are seeking as much information as they can get their hands on, while…
This week, I was meeting with one of my young clients. She was teary as she expressed worries for her older sister who is struggling with depression and self-medicating with substances. Recent events have culminated in an emotional explosion within the family and now she is really stressed. In her mind, the doors to her sister’s…
{Please click on 5 min. video below} Oh Mama. It was already hard and you were already amazing. But then… over the last year, you emerged as a beautiful and mighty warrior. Amidst mounting losses and exhaustion, you found ways to stimulate their learning, comfort them when you felt like crying and champion…
Happy International Mother Earth Day dear friends! For those who may not know, Peruvian educator, Rosa Medina, and myself are co-producers of the World Hope Project (WHP), an international children’s video troupe comprised of gifted children from 27 countries. The World Hope Project team collaborates together on Zoom calls to…
[CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW] Hello dear friends. How are you doing? It is spring here in Colorado and I am so grateful after this long, dark winter. As a child and family therapist specializing in giftedness, I know of a lot of activities, tips and techniques that are beneficial for…
Hello friends! You may be parenting a child whose thinking demonstrates depth and complexity but who, for some reason that defies reason, just can’t get their homework turned in. Or maybe they are paralyzed by their own anxiety or procrastinate on everything or have emotional blowups at the slightest frustration. If…
Hello dear friends, How are you doing? Really. This week was a doozy. I know you felt the heaviness while continuing to tend to the needs of those around you. Perhaps you longed to sit down with someone who really gets you and just cry it out, but there just wasn’t time….
[Please click on the video below] Hello dear friends. Do you ever feel like little tech goblins are dancing around inside your computer? I felt this way last week when I attempted to share with you the video baby I have been birthing the last 8 months – the World Hope…
[Click video below] Hello friends. A few months ago, I was talking with one of my young clients. She was struggling with fulfilling the array of internal and external expectations that accompanied her academics; all while feeling suffocated under a heavy veil of meaninglessness. I asked her what she would do if she could…
Happy Holidays dear ones. I am so excited to share with you a project that children from 25 countries and myself have been working on for the last 8 months – The World Hope Project. We are an international video troupe with one mission – to illuminate hope. First, let…